RISK: Legacy

Risk Legacy Board and Pieces

Risk Legacy: Customization Is Key Why would you play Risk Legacy? The original Risk game is definitely straightforward in its rules and general setup. Even the different websites where you can play Risk online don’t differ too much from the original Risk game. You simply select an army, place your troops on various parts of the … Read more

Risk II Video Game Overview

Risk 2 Main Menu

Risk II and Game Modes Risk II took the classic board game Risk and brought it to the home computer. It was originally released in 2000 and developed Microprose. It was the first official opportunity for gamers to play Risk on a computer, and it also gave them a chance to play Risk online with … Read more

RISK: Black Ops – Risk game with new rules


RISK: Black Ops Risk: Black Ops is a limited edition of the approaching re-vamp of the Risk rules. Presenting Objectives, Capitals, Cities and Rewards the risk game has ended up about finishing Objectives rather than Global Domination. World Domination may even now be played with the redesigned components. In the upgraded Risk, the target is … Read more


Play Risk online map world

It’s one of the newest and best places to play Risk online. Created by a group of dissatisfied players from a rival site, MajorCommand does a lot of things right. The user interface is easy to learn and the maps are gorgeous, ranging from easy and familiar, to challenging and addictive. The community of players is active and strong with tournaments, clans, and a vibrant forum. There is a lot of fun to be had on this site, and with a steady stream of updates, MajorCommand is definitely a gaming site to check out first.



Dominating12.com can provide a lot of fun and drama, both on and off the playing field. It boasts many loyal fans, as well as it’s fair share of detractors. D12 can be a great online website to play RISK, but it’s advised to stay within the rules and don’t get on the wrong side of the admins in charge.

WarZone.com (WarLight)

WarLight Risk Game map image

Warlight is also new on the block and has brought some innovation to the table. The Silverlight based interface works well and everyone-at-once style of play can lead for some fast pace casual games. The community is small and maps are a bit of a letdown, but there is a decent experience here, especially in single player mode.


ConquerClub Classic Risk Map Header

The old guard of online Risk, ConquerClub has been around for a long time. It’s built up a large audience and a lot of maps, but not much else. The gaming interface is cumbersome and outdated, and the maps are nothing special to look at. The site hasn’t seen a facelift since it started in 2006. It is not an easy site to navigate. The aging community is still strong, but out of control discussions about politics and religion plague the forums. The active users have been trending downward for months, but there is still some fun to be had here.