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Let’s Play RISK Online Game Reviewers

We started this a website as a small RISK game review website. But as the months went on, we realized that there were dozens of RISK game variations out there to choose from. Not to mention the dozen more online RISK game websites to play on. So we hired a team of skilled RISK gamers to write about their playing experience on the various RISK board games as well as search the internet for the best places to play RISK online. It’s taken over 2 year to compile all these RISK game reviews, but our team is dedicated. There were many independent players who contributed, and below is just a small sample of the authors that helped build up this review website.

Meet the Let’s Play Risk Online team

Ollie Green



Ollie is our Online Risk Expert! He had played and reviewed all the main RISK gaming sites. MajorCommand, WarLight, ConquerClub, AtWar, Dominating12, and LandGrab. If there are any he missed, you can be sure he’ll find them and let you know.

BIO: Ollie is a freelance writer that specializes in mobile and tech journalism as well as video game and app reviews. He offers great insights that will be hard to find anywhere else. He is an experienced online gamer, providing opinions and finding the latest and greatest video game news comes naturally to him. Whilst writing, he keeps facts straight and works hard to make the reviews more engaging for readers.

Ollie has always been a big fan of strategy games like Risk, and we are sure to benefit from all his experience and his online strategy gaming reviews.

You can find Ollie here:
LinkedIn – https://uk.linkedin.com/in/ollie-green
Twitter – https://twitter.com/OllieGreenWrite

Sonny Go

RISK Board Game Reviewer

Sonny-GO-PictureSonny Go is a mastermind when it comes to Playing RISK. He knows all the different RISK board game versions out there! He has authored over half a dozen articles from RISK Metal Gear Solid to RISK 2210 A.D. With the vast amount RISK board game variants out there, Sonny has a lot to choose from and shows no signs of slowing down. Check out his extensive list of RISK Game Reviews and be amazed at what you can find!

BIO: Through several years of experience, I’ve worked on almost everything, from writing articles for various clients to being a video game journalist.

My specialist subjects are video games and martial arts, but I enjoy writing about anything else that can be researched.

I especially love Risk game and Starcraft, and feel I can bring insight to world of Risk game online and to the classic board-game. Whether playing Risk with friends or with others across the world, there is hours of fun to be had.

Dennis-Small-AboutDennis the Menace

Risk Playing Aficionado

I am just a Risk game playing aficionado looking to keep the game alive in all forms and elevate the playing experience as well. While I no longer play Risk around the table anymore, mostly because my family is no competition, I do spend quite a bit of time playing Risk online.

I’ve played Risk game at so many different sites that many of them blur together. Probably because they are so terrible. So after bouncing from one awful site to the next, I decided to get serious and start reviewing them myself. I am a master reviewer on yelp so this didn’t seem like a stretch.

I also called on some of the best online game reviewers I know to scour the web and report back on what they found. Their opinions should provide a diverse and meaningful guide to everything that is Risk online.

Not only do I hope to provide you with an informative guide, but I also hope that these site creators take my feedback and use it constructively to build a better Risk game playing experience for all.

Steven Vitte

RISK Game Reviewer
Online Risk and Board Game Players Reviewer and Expert
Steven Vitte

Steven is a solid game reviewer with a eye for detail. He looks for alternative and niche RISK games and puts fourth his honest opinions. You always know what you get when you read a game review by Steven.

BIO: I am a thorough researcher for articles that require specific information. I am a solid communicator as I have conducted interviews with high-ranking business people in the past. I can easily write long articles that require depth and thorough explanations. I always meet my deadlines and I always have writing integrity.

Albert Bassili


Albert Bassili Profile PictureAlbert is one of more enthusiastic game reviewers. He is always excited to get a hold of the next RISK game and put his touch on it. He seeks out the harder to find RISK games rather then settle on easy project. If you thought you knew all the RISK game options out there, think again, Albert just found one you never heard of!

BIO: As a writer, my main focus has always been in the video game industry, whether it’s game narrative or game and gaming gear reviews.

I’m an avid gamer myself, with more games in my library than I would like to admit! This heavy emphasis on gaming, along with my own interests in writing, naturally led me down the path of analyzing and critiquing both game stories and game mechanics. As such, not only can I objectively tell whether a game is bad or good, but also what makes it so.

Writing for games as a medium is complex, mostly due to player interaction which has to be taken into account, something which films and books don’t have to worry about. Things like mechanics vs narrative, game feel and other game-centric concepts are very important aspects of writing a story that both hooks the gamer and keeps them playing.

Robert Koch


Robert-Koch-Profile-PictureRobert Koch brings a variety of interesting articles to our website. From Crazy Variant Risk Game Maps to his Top 10 Tactics to Win Risk Game. He can make your Risk game playing experience more interesting and productive. Check them out!

BIO: Hi, My name is Robert Koch and I am a freelance writer and college student. My major is English and I have a passion for writing.

Ever since I was a boy, I’ve been penning stories and articles. Now that I’m older, I’ve turned my hobby into a career.

While I write a lot on my own, I’m always eager to help others with their projects. So far I have done everything from authoring eBooks to crafting product descriptions for tube socks.

When I was offered an opportunity to write about playing Risk online, I jumped at the chance. I have always had a passion for the game and now I could combine my two favourite things, RISK and writing.  I hope you enjoy my reviews, strategy guides, and insights in to playing risk with friends or strangers


Scott Stevens


Scott-Stevens-PhotoI have over 20 years of experience. I have written everything from copy for radio and TV commercials, short stories, blogs, sports reports, video game reviews, editorials, press releases and product reviews. I have written for newspapers, websites, magazines, and blogs.

I have a passion for old fashion board games, especially strategy games like RISK or Axis and Allies. I have spent countless hours developing strategies and I hope to share them with you here.